Deepak Sharma is a professional coach and will speak about Overcoming Anxiety. Deepak was a senior operations executive driving rapid change to improve business profitability. Throughout his corporate career, Deepak stepped into challenging roles and assessed operational performance, developed process improvements, created teams, and implemented the action plans to attain the needed business results. Whether at a small or large company, or in any aspect of life, driving people to their best comes down to understanding who they are at the core and how to influence this so that they can become who they need to be. This is the key that allows people to accomplish everything required to create success and their dream life. On his journey to realize his own true capabilities, Deepak found clarity in his passion, which is to coach and mentor young adults so that they transition to become adults powerfully and achieve their dreams without the needless suffering and struggles that he experienced at their age.
Session: Overcoming Anxiety