Norma Vargas is the Program Specialist at AVANCE, INC. She provides guidance and supports sites across the AVANCE network with training and coaching on curriculum and program implementation based on best practices in early childhood, parenting, and adult education. She also supports the sites with program fidelity and effective implementation of programming and services. Before joining AVANCE, Inc., Norma worked at the AVANCE North Texas site for 11 years. She was most recently a Parent Educator, but also served as a Lead Teacher, a Home Visitor and an Early Childhood Teacher during her tenure at the North Texas Chapter. Norma has an Associate Degree in Child Growth and Development, a Child Development Associate credential, she is School Readiness Certified and she is currently enrolled in an Infant-Toddler Certification program.
Session: Padres Como Socios y Co-Creadores en el Aprendizaje Remoto (Esta Sesión También está Siendo Presentada en Inglés por Sonia Dominguez)