A Conversation With Gerard Vargas
Why do you believe SEL and EQ are important?
Every problem we face in our society is a result of not properly managing our emotions. From political divide, crime, addiction, conflict, to misbehavior, teacher stress, and the inability to overcome setbacks, the inability to regulate our emotions takes a toll on us and on society. Emotions impact everything in our lives from our decision-making ability, relationships, memory, learning, creativity, performance, and physical and mental health. The ability to manage our emotions begins with self-awareness, knowing who we truly are and being able to manage our thoughts and interactions with others effectively.
Do you have any personal anecdotes about how SEL/EQ has brought you success in your
personal life/career?
I suffered from depression for most of my life. My depression ended when I read Tony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within. The notion that I could control my emotions with my thoughts was an empowering idea that changed my life. I was no longer a slave to circumstance, other people’s actions, and my own thoughts and emotions. I could just change them and transform my state. I read other books and attended many seminars and realized that SEL instruction needed to be brought into classrooms, especially to teachers who are operating in a high stress environment.
What do you believe to be one or two of the main challenges in education (K-8) today?
1. Adult SEL has not been addressed effectively yet. We focus on curriculum and SEL implementation but educators create the culture for learning and thriving with SEL. Adult SEL has been so focused on stress management techniques and self-care, but doesn’t address the thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that cause us to pile the stress on ourselves in the first place.
2. SEL instruction is difficult for teachers to implement. They don’t have enough time, aren’t trained, don’t have enough staff PD to plan or debrief SEL instruction, and they don’t see how it can improve student academics directly. This leads to many teachers ditching SEL instruction altogether in favor of teaching their content since that is what they are held accountable for.
Conversely, what do you believe to be one or two of the biggest opportunities in education (K-8) today?
1. Adult SEL that can be integrated in staff meetings.
2. SEL instruction that is seamlessly integrated into academic instruction.