A Conversation With Janis Modeste
Why do you believe SEL and EQ are important?
I believe that both teachers and students are empowered when the learning environment is safe and engaging. It is important that feelings and emotions are prioritized and explicitly taught throughout all content areas.
Do you have any personal anecdotes about how SEL/EQ has brought you success in your
personal life/career?
Fortunately for me, I have been implementing and researching SEL strategies for two decades and gradually incorporating them into my teaching tool box. In more recent years, I was relieved to find that much more researchers and advocacy groups provided me with even more resources and training to aid in my journey.
What do you believe to be one or two of the main challenges in education (K-8) today?
One of the biggest and unique challenges facing our education system today is the need for mental health services and the unexpected resistance and politicizing of those needs.
Conversely, what do you believe to be one or two of the biggest opportunities in education (K-8) today?
The biggest opportunities today in K-8 is to build adult competencies in behavioral and emotional needs for both themselves and their students. There is a need to see the interconnection between the two.