Jerry Jones

A Conversation With Jerry Jones

Why do you believe SEL and EQ are important?

In order for students to achieve greatness in school and in life and be fulfilled and well-adjusted children and adults, they need to be able to have strong foundations in Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision Making, Relationship Skills & Social Awareness. The EQ is such an important part of life success.

Do you have any personal anecdotes about how SEL/EQ has brought you success in your
personal life/career?

As a life-time athlete, so much of who I am has been the result of learning to create goals, work together as a team, understand my role and create value utilizing my strengths, dealing with adversity, continuous improvement, connecting with others and so much more. These skills learned and honed have helped me as a teacher and school administrator. As a life-time educator and principal, I have had success, in large part, due to my ability to listen empathically to others, connect with others and show that i genuinely care and lead and model the qualities that I know help children have positive experiences in school and futures!

What do you believe to be one or two of the main challenges in education (K-8) today?

The first challenge is the immediate need to develop resiliency in students. We can all see how anxiety and depression can derail students of all ages in being happy, fulfilled and successful. The second challenge, is ensuring that school is meaningful for all students through creating relevant & deeper learning experiences. We need students to see their strengths and interests and how they can utilize these to create promising futures!

Conversely, what do you believe to be one or two of the biggest opportunities in education (K-8) today?

The biggest opportunity right now in education is the opportunity to create learning environments where students are excited about their learning! Gone are the days when students have to ask, “Why am I learning this?” Students should be able to see the real-world application of their learning and be able to apply their talents and strengths in creating projects that offer voice and choice. Students should be the producers of knowledge, rather than simply the consumer of knowledge as in days past. Additionally, with the use of technology and data, we can really zone in on students’ areas of need and personalize education in ways that maximize their learning.

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