A Conversation With McKenna Reitz
Why do you believe SEL and EQ are important? Social and emotional learning provides a foundation for a safe and positive learning environment that in turn enhances the students’ ability to succeed in school, careers, and life. Not only does SEL improve achievement, but it also increases prosocial behaviors, attitude toward school while also reducing depression and stress among students.
SEL improves students’ self-awareness, social awareness, management skills, social relationships and how to make more sound choices in school and social situations. Students with high levels of emotional intelligence are able to better manage themselves and relate to other around them. This can help them improve their self-motivation and become a more effective communicator which will result in being a more confident learner.
Do you have any personal anecdotes about how SEL/EQ has brought you success in your personal life/career? On of my favorite quotes is, “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” Especially as teachers, there is so many variables that we can’t control such as online/hybrid learning, the students on our roster, or the curriculum that we have to cover. Stop putting so much energy in to the variables we can’t control rather put more focus on what we do have control over and that is our mindset about those variables. It is our responsibility to exemplify versatility especially to students K-8 when it comes to how we manage our emotions towards variables that are within or not within our control.
What do you believe to be one or two of the main challenges in education (K-8) today? I believe one of the toughest challenges facing K-8 education today is the differences of social, emotional, and cognitive abilities that are being seen within the classroom. Teachers have students all over the spectrum when it comes to each of those areas yet they must have all of the students ready for when it comes to state assessments. How is a teacher suppose to have every students who all come from very different backgrounds to be at the very same place for testing? I also believe the teachers are challenged by the instant gratification that has taken over our society and their students do not have the patience any more to take their time to learn something or solve a math problem. The definition of hard work has completely changed over the years.
Conversely, what do you believe to be one or two of the biggest opportunities in education (K-8) today? By far, one of the biggest opportunities in education is the accessibility to both information and technology. This has allowed for higher levels of cognitive processing to occur while also helping teachers differentiate curriculum for their students that are across the spectrum.